Monday, 21 November 2011

Pronunciations - The Bangla Eeshtyle

Here's the first set of words from our team, a lot more words and other entertainment shall be coming your way soon. 
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  1. After - Aftaar
  2. Ahead - Ahaed
  3. Arrange - Aarange
  4. Avatar - Abhotar
  5. Avenge - Ebhenj
  6. Animator - Eneemataar
  7. Artist - Arteest
  8. Ambulance - Am-bu-lence
  9. Background - Bhakgraaound
  10. Bakery - Bakary / Bekary
  11. Balloon - Baylune
  12. Barber - Barbar
  13. Basket - Baasket
  14. Bear - Beeaaarr
  15. Beatles - Bheatles
  16. Bed - Baid
  17. Beg - Baig
  18. Bird - Baard
  19. Birth - Barth
  20. Birthday - Barday
  21. Biscuit - Biskut
  22. Beach - Bitch
  23. Bitch - Beech
  24. Bliss - Blees
  25. Bottle - Botol / Botal
  26. Bread - Beret
  27. Buddy - Baady
  28. Buffering - Baafering
  29. Bunk - Baank
  30. Bunny - Baany
  31. Burger - Bargur
  32. Bus - Bhas
  33. Bullet - Boolate
  34. Building - Beeldeeng.
  35. Beef - Beeph
  36. Butterfly - Baatar fly
  37. Blink - Bleenk
  38. Chair - Cheeyar
  39. Can’t - Cunt
  40. Children - Childrens
  41. Cigarette - Cigaarate
  42. Circle - Sarkul
  43. Class - Clus
  44. Collection - Kaalection
  45. Colour - Kalar
  46. Computer - Kamputer
  47. Corrupt - Korrupted
  48. Cup - Caap / Caaf
  49. Customer - Kastomer
  50. Culture - Caalture
  51. Church - Chaarch
  52. Cricket - Creeket
  53. Chicken - Cheeken
  54. College - Collez
  55. Current - Karent
  56. Compositor - Compositaar
  57. Company - Kompany
  58. Correct - Korrect
  59. Commitment - Comeetmaint
  60. Camel - Kemel
  61. Department - Deepaartment
  62. Desk - Deks
  63. Dig - Deeg
  64. Diesel - Deejel
  65. Disco - Deechko
  66. Dirty - Daarty
  67. Doctor - Daktor
  68. Dream - Drim
  69. Drugs - Draags
  70. Duck - Dak
  71. Dustbin - Daastbin
  72. DVD - DBD / DbhiD
  73. Drinks - Dinks
  74. Dish - Deesh
  75. Double - Dobole
  76. Earth - Aarth
  77. Eyebrow - Eyebru
  78. Engine - Injin
  79. Far - Fur
  80. Fur-Far
  81. Fast - Fust
  82. Father - Faather / Futher
  83. Favourite - Phaborate
  84. Feed - Fid
  85. Fellow - Phelow
  86. Fiat - Phiat
  87. Film - Filim
  88. Filled - Field
  89. Fillers - Feelars
  90. Fire - Fayar / Phayur
  91. Fish - Pheesh
  92. Flower - Flaawer
  93. Focus - Fokas
  94. Football - Phootball
  95. Forest - Farest
  96. Forward - Phorward
  97. Frustrated - Fraastated
  98. Fur - Far
  99. Forest - Phorest
  100. Fever - Phevaar
  101. Football - Phootball
  102. Follow - Phollo
  103. Facebook - Phacebuk
  104. File - Phile.
  105. Four - Phor
  106. Forum - Pho Raam
  107. Five - Phibe
  108. First - Fast
  109. Friend - Fraand
  110. Furniture - Pharnichar
  111. Fun - Phaan / Phaans
  112. Purse - Paarse
  113. Gangi' (t-shirt) - Gaingee
  114. Gas - Gesh
  115. Gizmo - Gijmo
  116. Girl - Gaarl
  117. Glass - Glaass / Glus
  118. Google - Googles \ Gugul
  119. Ground - Graaund
  120. Gun - Gaan
  121. Gift - Gipt
  122. Germany - Jaarmaanee
  123. Guitar - Geetur
  124. Giraffe - Jiraaph
  125. Garland - Gaarland
  126. Gym - Geem
  127. Government - Gorment / Gobherment
  128. Hard disk - Hard dicks
  129. Heart - Hurt
  130. Highway - Highbhay
  131. Hurt - Haart
  132. Hunter - Haanter
  133. Human - Humane
  134. It - eet
  135. Indus - Indaas
  136. Internet - Intaarnet
  137. Italy - Eetaalee
  138. Illusion - Illuzaan
  139. Illustrator - Elastrator
  140. Jesus - Zeejaas / Jeejaas
  141. Jitter - Jeetar
  142. Juice - Juse
  143. Junk - Jaank
  144. Justice - Jasteese
  145. Jug - Jaag / Jog
  146. Jerk - Jark
  147. Language - Langbhej
  148. Ligament - Leegament
  149. Laughing - Lofing
  150. Library - Libhrery
  151. Lion - Layon
  152. List - Least
  153. Live - Leave
  154. Liver - Libher
  155. Litre - Leetar
  156. Lizard - Leejard
  157. Lol - Laal
  158. London - Landan / Londan
  159. Love - Laab / Laav
  160. Lunch - Laanch
  161. Lungs - Langs
  162. Leather - Leydar
  163. Lemon - Laymon
  164. Letter - Laytar
  165. Master - Maaster / Muster / Maastur
  166. Marble - Marbel
  167. Market - Markate
  168. Million - Meeliaan
  169. Mother board - Matherboard
  170. Multiply - Maaltiply
  171. Murder - Maader
  172. Must - Maast
  173. Mutton - Moton
  174. Machine - Maysheen
  175. Modeler - Modelaar
  176. Monkey - Maankey
  177. Mask - Maks
  178. Muffler - Maaflar
  179. Memory - Maimory
  180. Monday - Moanday
  181. Monitor - Monitar
  182. Month - Manth
  183. Number - Naamber
  184. Office - Aupheesh
  185. Pearl - Paarl
  186. Picnic - Peakneek
  187. Perfume - Paarfume
  188. Permission - Paar mission
  189. Perk - Paark
  190. Pet - Paet
  191. Pen - Pain
  192. Photo - Fotu
  193. Pickle - Pickaal
  194. Pink - Pee ink
  195. Pizza - Pijja
  196. Pump - Pamp
  197. Pluck - Plack
  198. Plum - Plaam
  199. Plumber - Plaambar
  200. Plus - Plas
  201. Poem - Poaim
  202. Production - Prodakson
  203. Pulsar - Paalsar
  204. Puncture - Panture
  205. Punjabi - Paanjabi
  206. Purple - Paarple
  207. Phone - fone
  208. Pink-Peenk
  209. Pistol - Peestol
  210. Pig - Peeg
  211. Perfect - Parfekt
  212. Poor - Pu ore
  213.  Police - Fulish
  214. Radial - Radiaal
  215. Red - Raid
  216. Restaurant - Restorent
  217. Reverse - Rebhaarce
  218. Risk - Riks
  219. Rich - Reech
  220. Revital - Re-bhai-tal
  221. Run - Raan
  222. Rendering - Rendaaring
  223.  Rickshaw - Rishka
  224. Rigger - Reegaar
  225. Rough - Raaf
  226. Rocket - Rokate
  227. Rubber - Robber
  228. S - Es
  229. Salad - Saalaad
  230. Salary - Selaary / Selaady
  231. School - Eeshkool
  232. Seed - Sid
  233. Seriously - Seriasly
  234. Servant - Saarbhent
  235. Serpent - Sarpant
  236. Server - Sarbhar
  237. Sheep - Ship
  238. Ship - Sheep
  239. Shirt - Shaart
  240. Shut - Shaat
  241. Sleep - Slip
  242. Speak - Spik
  243. Start - Sturt
  244. Status - Stataas
  245. Structure - Straakchaar
  246. Study - Staady
  247. Subtract - Saabtract
  248. Sugar - Sugaar
  249. Sunday - Sanday
  250. Service - Saarbhise
  251. System - Sistame
  252. Surgery - Sarjary
  253. Survive - Sarbhibe
  254. Suzuki - Sujuki
  255. Seven - Sebhen
  256. Silver - Silbhar
  257. Sweater - Swaytaar
  258. Texture - Tekture
  259. Thursday - Thaarsday
  260. Tiger - Tigaar
  261. Touch - Taach
  262. Towel - Tabhel
  263. Trees - Tris
  264. Trend - Trained
  265. Turtle - Taartle
  266. Turn - Taarn
  267. Tusk - Taask
  268. TV - Tibhi
  269. Truck -Traack
  270. Tuesday -Twisday
  271. Table - Tabil
  272. Twitter - Tuitaar
  273. Umbrella - Aambrela
  274. University - Unibharsity
  275. Under - Aandur
  276. Uncle - Aankail
  277. Up - Aap
  278. Us - Aaas
  279. Update - Aap-date
  280. VCD - Bhee Shee Dee
  281. Value - Bhaliu
  282. Van - Bhan
  283. Vanilla - Bhanila
  284. Veg - Bhej
  285. Vegetable - Bhegitable
  286. Vendor - Bhendar
  287. Very - Bhery
  288. Vicks - Bicks
  289. Violence - Bhaayolence
  290. Virgin - Bhargin
  291. Virus - Bhai-ras
  292. Vision - Bhison
  293. Volvo - Bolbo
  294. Vulgar - Bhalgar
  295. Vibrate - Bhaibrate
  296. Vodka - Bhodka
  297. Vanity Bag - Bhanity Bag
  298. Variety - Bheraity
  299. Voter Id - Bhotar id
  300. Volume - Bolume
  301. Valley - Bhaylee
  302. Wall - Waall
  303. Water - Wataar
  304. Wednesday - Bhednasday
  305. Welcome -  Bhelcom
  306. Wear - Veeaar / Veeaad
  307. Week - We eeeks / Vick
  308. Which - Wheech
  309. Wire - Ware
  310. Wine - Waayeen
  311. Wondered - Vondered
  312. Word – Waard
  313. Working - War-king
  314. World - Warld
  315. Wool - Oool
  316. Yesterday - Yesshtaarday
  317. Yard - Yurd
  318.  Yellowish - Yulish
  319. Zebra - Jebhra
  320. Zero - Jero
  321. Zoom - Jum
  322. Zone - Jone
  323. Zinc - Jeenc
  324. Zebra - J-bra


  1. Hey bro...
    Your post is awesome :)
    You deserve a Hyderabadi Biryani. You Rock...
    I will do all I can to promote this blog :)
    Keep posting

  2. Thanks a lot Satya. I love Hyderabadi Biryani. Spread this among your friends and do tell us if you get on to some funny bengali stuff. Also subscribe to this site so that you can get the latest updates :)


  4. yellowish=yulish

  5. rickshaw-rishka

  6. Thanks a lot Anonymous. Your words will be incorporated, keep them coming in. :)

  7. Thanks a lot Neela Ahmed, your contribution has been added in the list.

  8. Englishman to Bengali: We fucked your motherland for 200 years.
    Bengali to Englishman: Bhe weel faaak your mothertaang phorebher
