Here's the first set of words from our team, a lot more words and other entertainment shall be coming your way soon.
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- After - Aftaar
- Ahead - Ahaed
- Arrange - Aarange
- Avatar - Abhotar
- Avenge - Ebhenj
- Animator - Eneemataar
- Artist - Arteest
- Ambulance - Am-bu-lence
- Background - Bhakgraaound
- Bakery - Bakary / Bekary
- Balloon - Baylune
- Barber - Barbar
- Basket - Baasket
- Bear - Beeaaarr
- Beatles - Bheatles
- Bed - Baid
- Beg - Baig
- Bird - Baard
- Birth - Barth
- Birthday - Barday
- Biscuit - Biskut
- Beach - Bitch
- Bitch - Beech
- Bliss - Blees
- Bottle - Botol / Botal
- Bread - Beret
- Buddy - Baady
- Buffering - Baafering
- Bunk - Baank
- Bunny - Baany
- Burger - Bargur
- Bus - Bhas
- Bullet - Boolate
- Building - Beeldeeng.
- Beef - Beeph
- Butterfly - Baatar fly
- Blink - Bleenk
- Chair - Cheeyar
- Can’t - Cunt
- Children - Childrens
- Cigarette - Cigaarate
- Circle - Sarkul
- Class - Clus
- Collection - Kaalection
- Colour - Kalar
- Computer - Kamputer
- Corrupt - Korrupted
- Cup - Caap / Caaf
- Customer - Kastomer
- Culture - Caalture
- Church - Chaarch
- Cricket - Creeket
- Chicken - Cheeken
- College - Collez
- Current - Karent
- Compositor - Compositaar
- Company - Kompany
- Correct - Korrect
- Commitment - Comeetmaint
- Camel - Kemel
- Department - Deepaartment
- Desk - Deks
- Dig - Deeg
- Diesel - Deejel
- Disco - Deechko
- Dirty - Daarty
- Doctor - Daktor
- Dream - Drim
- Drugs - Draags
- Duck - Dak
- Dustbin - Daastbin
- DVD - DBD / DbhiD
- Drinks - Dinks
- Dish - Deesh
- Double - Dobole
- Earth - Aarth
- Eyebrow - Eyebru
- Engine - Injin
- Far - Fur
- Fur-Far
- Fast - Fust
- Father - Faather / Futher
- Favourite - Phaborate
- Feed - Fid
- Fellow - Phelow
- Fiat - Phiat
- Film - Filim
- Filled - Field
- Fillers - Feelars
- Fire - Fayar / Phayur
- Fish - Pheesh
- Flower - Flaawer
- Focus - Fokas
- Football - Phootball
- Forest - Farest
- Forward - Phorward
- Frustrated - Fraastated
- Fur - Far
- Forest - Phorest
- Fever - Phevaar
- Football - Phootball
- Follow - Phollo
- Facebook - Phacebuk
- File - Phile.
- Four - Phor
- Forum - Pho Raam
- Five - Phibe
- First - Fast
- Friend - Fraand
- Furniture - Pharnichar
- Fun - Phaan / Phaans
- Purse - Paarse
- Gangi' (t-shirt) - Gaingee
- Gas - Gesh
- Gizmo - Gijmo
- Girl - Gaarl
- Glass - Glaass / Glus
- Google - Googles \ Gugul
- Ground - Graaund
- Gun - Gaan
- Gift - Gipt
- Germany - Jaarmaanee
- Guitar - Geetur
- Giraffe - Jiraaph
- Garland - Gaarland
- Gym - Geem
- Government - Gorment / Gobherment
- Hard disk - Hard dicks
- Heart - Hurt
- Highway - Highbhay
- Hurt - Haart
- Hunter - Haanter
- Human - Humane
- It - eet
- Indus - Indaas
- Internet - Intaarnet
- Italy - Eetaalee
- Illusion - Illuzaan
- Illustrator - Elastrator
- Jesus - Zeejaas / Jeejaas
- Jitter - Jeetar
- Juice - Juse
- Junk - Jaank
- Justice - Jasteese
- Jug - Jaag / Jog
- Jerk - Jark
- Language - Langbhej
- Ligament - Leegament
- Laughing - Lofing
- Library - Libhrery
- Lion - Layon
- List - Least
- Live - Leave
- Liver - Libher
- Litre - Leetar
- Lizard - Leejard
- Lol - Laal
- London - Landan / Londan
- Love - Laab / Laav
- Lunch - Laanch
- Lungs - Langs
- Leather - Leydar
- Lemon - Laymon
- Letter - Laytar
- Master - Maaster / Muster / Maastur
- Marble - Marbel
- Market - Markate
- Million - Meeliaan
- Mother board - Matherboard
- Multiply - Maaltiply
- Murder - Maader
- Must - Maast
- Mutton - Moton
- Machine - Maysheen
- Modeler - Modelaar
- Monkey - Maankey
- Mask - Maks
- Muffler - Maaflar
- Memory - Maimory
- Monday - Moanday
- Monitor - Monitar
- Month - Manth
- Number - Naamber
- Office - Aupheesh
- Pearl - Paarl
- Picnic - Peakneek
- Perfume - Paarfume
- Permission - Paar mission
- Perk - Paark
- Pet - Paet
- Pen - Pain
- Photo - Fotu
- Pickle - Pickaal
- Pink - Pee ink
- Pizza - Pijja
- Pump - Pamp
- Pluck - Plack
- Plum - Plaam
- Plumber - Plaambar
- Plus - Plas
- Poem - Poaim
- Production - Prodakson
- Pulsar - Paalsar
- Puncture - Panture
- Punjabi - Paanjabi
- Purple - Paarple
- Phone - fone
- Pink-Peenk
- Pistol - Peestol
- Pig - Peeg
- Perfect - Parfekt
- Poor - Pu ore
- Police - Fulish
- Radial - Radiaal
- Red - Raid
- Restaurant - Restorent
- Reverse - Rebhaarce
- Risk - Riks
- Rich - Reech
- Revital - Re-bhai-tal
- Run - Raan
- Rendering - Rendaaring
- Rickshaw - Rishka
- Rigger - Reegaar
- Rough - Raaf
- Rocket - Rokate
- Rubber - Robber
- S - Es
- Salad - Saalaad
- Salary - Selaary / Selaady
- School - Eeshkool
- Seed - Sid
- Seriously - Seriasly
- Servant - Saarbhent
- Serpent - Sarpant
- Server - Sarbhar
- Sheep - Ship
- Ship - Sheep
- Shirt - Shaart
- Shut - Shaat
- Sleep - Slip
- Speak - Spik
- Start - Sturt
- Status - Stataas
- Structure - Straakchaar
- Study - Staady
- Subtract - Saabtract
- Sugar - Sugaar
- Sunday - Sanday
- Service - Saarbhise
- System - Sistame
- Surgery - Sarjary
- Survive - Sarbhibe
- Suzuki - Sujuki
- Seven - Sebhen
- Silver - Silbhar
- Sweater - Swaytaar
- Texture - Tekture
- Thursday - Thaarsday
- Tiger - Tigaar
- Touch - Taach
- Towel - Tabhel
- Trees - Tris
- Trend - Trained
- Turtle - Taartle
- Turn - Taarn
- Tusk - Taask
- TV - Tibhi
- Truck -Traack
- Tuesday -Twisday
- Table - Tabil
- Twitter - Tuitaar
- Umbrella - Aambrela
- University - Unibharsity
- Under - Aandur
- Uncle - Aankail
- Up - Aap
- Us - Aaas
- Update - Aap-date
- VCD - Bhee Shee Dee
- Value - Bhaliu
- Van - Bhan
- Vanilla - Bhanila
- Veg - Bhej
- Vegetable - Bhegitable
- Vendor - Bhendar
- Very - Bhery
- Vicks - Bicks
- Violence - Bhaayolence
- Virgin - Bhargin
- Virus - Bhai-ras
- Vision - Bhison
- Volvo - Bolbo
- Vulgar - Bhalgar
- Vibrate - Bhaibrate
- Vodka - Bhodka
- Vanity Bag - Bhanity Bag
- Variety - Bheraity
- Voter Id - Bhotar id
- Volume - Bolume
- Valley - Bhaylee
- Wall - Waall
- Water - Wataar
- Wednesday - Bhednasday
- Welcome - Bhelcom
- Wear - Veeaar / Veeaad
- Week - We eeeks / Vick
- Which - Wheech
- Wire - Ware
- Wine - Waayeen
- Wondered - Vondered
- Word – Waard
- Working - War-king
- World - Warld
- Wool - Oool
- Yesterday - Yesshtaarday
- Yard - Yurd
- Yellowish - Yulish
- Zebra - Jebhra
- Zero - Jero
- Zoom - Jum
- Zone - Jone
- Zinc - Jeenc
- Zebra - J-bra
Hey bro...
ReplyDeleteYour post is awesome :)
You deserve a Hyderabadi Biryani. You Rock...
I will do all I can to promote this blog :)
Keep posting
Thanks a lot Satya. I love Hyderabadi Biryani. Spread this among your friends and do tell us if you get on to some funny bengali stuff. Also subscribe to this site so that you can get the latest updates :)
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Anonymous. Your words will be incorporated, keep them coming in. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Neela Ahmed, your contribution has been added in the list.
ReplyDeleteEnglishman to Bengali: We fucked your motherland for 200 years.
ReplyDeleteBengali to Englishman: Bhe weel faaak your mothertaang phorebher